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“All that is necessary for the forces of evil to prevail in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.”

— Edmund Burke
British statesman


This site is dedicated to the murdered
civilian men, women and children
of Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, Laos, The Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, China, Thailand, Lebanon, Libya, Bosnia, Russia, France, Germany, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Cuba, Colombia, Panama, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua – and the United States of America.

Millions of people,
our fellow human beings,
brutally murdered
by the U.S. military/government.

Burn the evil American flag - symbol of American state terrorism.

This site is one private individual’s effort to support the work of tens of millions of good men and women around the globe who would rather die than do nothing while “the forces of evil prevail in the world.”

In gratitude to the courageous people who have worked for years to inform their fellow human beings about the monstrously evil American Empire, I’ve created this site to:

  1. Help expose the genocidal state terrorism of the United States military/government.

  2. Help expose and counter the insidious, criminal deceit of the corporate “news” media, which knowingly cover up America’s brutal war crimes.

I don’t consider myself an American anymore. Americans are people who believe it’s okay to commit murder, rape, torture, terrorism and genocide — as long as these crimes are committed by the U.S. military/government. Americans are also people who pretend not to approve of such things — yet they look the other way and remain apathetically silent while their evil military/government commits these bloody crimes against humanity all over the world.

“American” is a dirty word. A name of shame.

Of course there are also people with genuine consciences who call themselves Americans, but they really would be better off just calling themselves humans. Forget the national label. Let evil people call themselves Americans as they goose-step down the street for The Homeland. Nationalism is a sickness. Patriotism is primitive tribalism. America, as a nation, stands overwhelmingly for evil. If you take an honest look at history you can come to no other conclusion. Just take an honest look at the world today, for that matter.

At least the massive anti-war demonstrations were a very hopeful sign. Millions of decent people in America have taken to the streets. And they represent a hundred million more. We can discount the dirty lies of the corporate-media’s fake “opinion polls”; the great majority of people in America are decidedly against the U.S. military war crimes against humanity in Iraq. Maybe enough people in America really are changing, awakening to their own humanity at last, and therefore recognizing it in others. It seems too much to hope for, but if the people in America really come alive and overthrow the bestial military/government and the parasitical plutocracy which pulls its strings, there could be a bearable future for this country. Then there would be a little less shame in being called an “American”.

And if, after overthrowing our criminal fascist government and replacing it with something democratic, the people in America were to make massive reparations to the hundreds of millions of people around the world America has savaged, we could then be justified in feeling a tiny bit of respect for our reborn country.

Until then, however, I don’t have a country. I don’t want to be labeled with the same nationality as the Neanderthal psychopaths who support America’s terrorist military. I consider myself a citizen of the world only. Too many Americans pretend they have “moral values” while they ignore America’s horrific crimes against humanity. The world screams in pain and they are deaf, indifferent to everything except their own selfish, material comfort.

Such twisted Ugly Americans come in all shapes, sizes and colors — from bourgeois liberals to fascist conservatives, from Democrapublicans to pro-war Greens, from religious fakes to New Age flakes to all the other Animals of The Farm — and if they were genuine human beings they would not ignore America’s genocidal sadism nor make their lame excuses for it.

I was born and raised in America and I’ve lived in this goddamned soulless nation of venal whores all my life. But it took the American terrorist bombing of helpless, innocent children and civilian people all over Yugoslavia to finally open my eyes — once and for all time — to just how viciously evil this nation truly is.

I should have seen it years ago. I should have seen it when the horrifying and heartbreaking details of U.S. Army atrocities against women and children in My Lai were revealed to the world — and then forgotten, ignored or even applauded by millions of evil Americans. I should have seen it when the literally satanic torture-rape-murders of women and children by the CIA-controlled death-squads of Central America were revealed to the world. I should have seen it when the U.S. military’s sadistic slaughter of 200,000 Iraqi civilian men, women and children in 1991 was revealed to the world. And all of it ignored or applauded by most Americans.

I could plead in my defense that only through a timely first Internet connection was I informed of what was actually happening in Yugoslavia in 1999. Before then I had no Internet access and was fooled by the lies of the corporate mass-media and the schools. Indeed, one can explain a great deal of the ignorance, apathy and immorality of conventional Americans by the mind-controlling effect of the schools and the corporate mass-media. But while it explains, it does not excuse.

There is no excuse for intelligent adults failing to see this country for what it is. There is no excuse for ignorance in this information-saturated world.

The truth about American state terrorism has always been available, even within America, in many books, in the speeches of courageous people, in honest alternative newspapers — even, sporadically, in a few mainstream newspapers. Some mainstream newspapers actually printed honest reports of the U.S. military’s racist genocide of 200,000+ men, women and children in the Philippines from 1899 to 1902. But the reports fell on deaf ears, for the most part, because most Americans didn’t have enough humanity within themselves to care. And to this day, too many Americans still don’t care.

In spite of the degraded apathy of so many Americans, however, there has always been a small percentage who are decent human beings, and the information about American state terrorism has always been available in their writings, talks and public speeches. Courageous people like William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Henry David Thoreau, John Brown, Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Mark Twain, Upton Sinclair, Eugene Victor Debs, H.L. Mencken, I.F. Stone, Jeannette Rankin, Helen Keller; Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Sherman Skolnick, Sen. Wayne Morse, Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark, Gore Vidal, William Blum, Ralph McGehee, Michael Parenti, Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Howard Zinn, Mike Ruppert, John Taylor Gatto, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Edward W. Said, S. Brian Willson, Doug Valentine, Judi Bari, Ace R. Hayes, Michael Rivero, Jeff Rense, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Ron Paul, John Kaminski, David North and all those in the Socialist Equality Party — in fact pretty much all socialists of every faction — and many, many others, famous people and private citizens, have always tried to awaken the mentally-sleeping, brainwashed masses of flag-waving American lemmings.

So, ignorance and apathy are inexcusable, even in corporate-media-brainwashed America. And yet the possession of such qualities by anyone who is raised in American society is certainly understandable.

“[The] assumption that it is the aim of the [American] public school to fan the intelligence and to produce large numbers of alert and curious youths of both sexes is foolish. The state maintains its control of elementary education, not primarily to reduce illiteracy and turn the eyes of the plain people toward the stars, but to make sure that they are not taught anything that is subversive.

“Public education is thus a police measure. The goal it moves toward is perfect standardization, perfect discipline, perfect imbecility.”

— H. L. Mencken
Baltimore Sun
February 23, 1924

Mind-control of children in America

Looking back, I’m amazed at the extent to which I was politically brainwashed for years by mind-numbing American “schools” and the corporate-controlled mass-media.

Like all other kids I knew, I always gaped at the T.V. in the morning before school. Narcotized by chemical-saturated, sugar-coated, children’s breakfast cereals, I sat there in a hypnotized stupor before the flickering boob-tube, my young mind molded by all the politically-censored, commercial-saturated, children’s mind-programming. At least walking to school provided a little grounding in reality. But entering the classroom was entering a realm of unreality once again: a stuffy, stilted, straight-jacketed unreality. All the kids were required to obediently recite the lie-filled “Pledge of Allegiance” before the ugly American flag to start the dreary day, after which we labored to memorize a thoroughly uninspired mass of soporific, State-approved data until 3:00.

There ought to be a word for what American schools do to kids’ minds. How about “menticide”...

menticide \'ment-i-cide\ n. [fr. L mentis mind + caedere to kill]  1: the process of murdering every last vestige of creative, analytical and spiritual thinking within a vulnerable young mind through a prolonged and mandatory program of official coercion to engage in essentially mindless memorization of materialistic, irrelevant, unrelated and very often untruthful data  2: the predominant effect of the American school system

We were encouraged not to think, but merely to memorize. We were pressured to submit unquestioningly to the materialist-capitalist worldview and absorb so-called “facts” which were not facts at all, but outright lies and political propaganda.

There is no place for independent, free-thinking individuals in the American school system. From the first grade all the way through university post-graduate work, American schools reward you for mental obedience, above all else. Intellectual conformity is valued above real intelligence. Intelligence is rewarded only if it is applied within approved boundaries. For those with independent minds, school curriculum is a mental coffin.

All those impressionable, critically important years of children’s lives — wasted in school. Innocent souls are mutated into apathetic, immoral citizens in an assembly-line of mass-produced minds. Day after day, year after year they are steadily conformed to a decaying, evil system. Children are trained to become obedient tax-payers, flag-saluting sheep, while their government rulers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, feed upon their labor. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, indeed.

“You must adjust... This is the legend imprinted in every schoolbook, the invisible message on every blackboard. Our schools have become vast factories for the manufacture of robots.”

— Robert Lindner

“My schooling did me a great deal of harm and no good whatever; it was simply dragging a child’s soul through the dirt.”

— George Bernard Shaw

“And what is a good citizen? Simply one who never says, does or thinks anything that is unusual. Schools are maintained in order to bring this uniformity up to the highest possible point. A school is a hopper into which children are heaved while they are still young and tender; therein they are pressed into certain standard shapes and covered from head to heels with official rubber-stamps.”

— H. L. Mencken

A bell began the school day, a bell told you when you could escape for recess, a bell told you to come back from recess, a bell told you when you could eat lunch, a bell told you to come back from lunch. When the final blasted bell rang it was always a magic moment. All the little robots were permitted to come alive again and flee into the waiting arms of Life Outside.

But whatever other “extracurricular” activities there might be, upon returning home our impressionable minds were further programmed with hours of tacky televised twaddle until it was time to go to sleep.

The mass-hypnosis of adult America

Were we ever really awake? I sometimes wonder. But the process of “growing up” in America is actually one of ever-deepening sleep. Younger children are very much alive and awake in every culture, even ours. But for the vast majority of people in America, the older we get the more inanimate, unnatural, insincere and unspontaneous we become. A gradual death known as “socialization” strangles childhood and suffocates adolescence, until at last we are quite stiff with the fearful, brittle, ill-humored, self-important, immature American egocentrism of so-called “adulthood”.

Of course this is probably true, to varying degrees, of all industrialized societies on Earth. Perhaps the biggest difference is simply that no other society on Earth possesses the military-economic power to force its selfish, pathological, mercenary will upon everybody else. America does have that power and persistently, horrifically abuses it.

We who live here have an inherent responsibility to do something about it — if we ever get a clue.

But if we live in cities we are totally immersed in a grossly unnatural world created by the pathological group-mind of American society. A toxic world that assaults our ears continuously with the thunder of traffic and random mechanical noise and screaming sirens; that continuously assaults our noses and lungs with unnatural, chemical fumes; a hard, petrochemical world of asphalt, concrete and hard feelings, of billboard blather and sharp right angles and mercenary sexual images. And all the while, the shallow, narrow-minded, pre-fabricated concepts of corporate-dominated, imitation-human, Mainstream America jabber at us from every radio and flash from every T.V. into our stupefied faces.

If we live in the country, or typical small-town America, we’re lucky enough to be surrounded by the real world of Nature, at least. Unfortunately we’re also surrounded by a homogenous collection of willfully ignorant sheeple who go to the same type of schools and gape at the same T.V. mind-programming as city people do.

No matter where we live, when we are all programmed from childhood with the same cultural myths and political propaganda year after year, we are all going to tend to think alike. Far more so than we realize. We’ll see our differences, of course, but when there is little or nothing to contrast with our mental similarities we probably won’t notice them. Most people’s minds exist within a group-mind like fish swim within the sea, and people are very unconscious of it. They’re dominated by all kinds of psychological tides and social currents, usually unaware that such domination even exists.

If we want to know more about the group-mind which dominates our lives, we need only examine the basic nature common to all the people within it. We need only take a good, deep look at ourselves. Since a group-mind is a collection of individual minds, it will therefore possess the primal tendencies and qualities of its component parts.

Most people’s minds are confined, to varying degrees, inside what could be called a subjective “bubble-reality”. A perfect symbol of this is one of those old-fashioned diver’s suits with the glass sphere, like a bubble, around the diver’s head. The glass sphere symbolizes our mental subjectivity, and the thick diver’s suit our emotional armoring.

What we think of as objective “reality” is often merely our own thoughts, feelings, programming and prejudices — all reflected back to us on the inside surface of our “subjective bubble”.

Our subjective bubble-realities are not only mental mirrors, they also act as filters, just as a window filters light. Very few people’s mental “windows” are clear and transparent, however! For the vast majority of us they are more like stained-glass windows, cluttered with both our own reflection and a lifetime of built-in images which interfere with the outside view.

All sensory impressions of objective reality pass through, and are altered by, our subjective filters. And most people routinely mistake these subjectively filtered impressions for objective reality.

All of us, to one degree or another, are liable to the delusions of subjectivity. And when we are immersed in a society where most people have a subjective programming similar to our own, those delusions are powerfully reinforced.

In America, the collective expression of this subjectivity is a mass-media-reinforced, socio-political mass-hypnosis. If you’ve ever stood apart and watched the people who are watching a T.V. show, you can see that they are immersed in a waking dream. They are essentially in a very receptive state of hypnosis.

The light flickers in their faces as they stare at the screen, their eyes riveted to it. You see their facial expressions change on cue with a change in background music or voices or visual imagery. They have become mental puppets, and the T.V. is pulling their strings.

“It’s been demonstrated that well within two minutes of watching television, most people enter a hypnotic alpha state bordering on theta. Viewers in this state are no longer able to critically evaluate, discern, or pass judgement from their own moral database on the material being viewed. The information just flows, unimpeded, into their subconscious year in and year out.”

— Jeff Rense
talk-radio host

Adults can look very childish or even infantile as they watch T.V. Get a hundred million of these “adults” to share the same infantile state of hypnosis year after year and you have: The United States of America.

And as long as we remain within this mass-hypnosis it will never occur to us that the whole mainstream mindset in which we are immersed is not the natural product of some random, haphazard, societal evolution.

How many people would stop their hamster-wheels long enough to notice that the whole propaganda-saturated system is consciously and intentionally created for them — not by them? Who among the bleating flock would dare to consider that very little of their thinking is their own?

And yet a moment’s rational reflection will reveal to any intelligent person that the ultra-wealthy corporate owners of America cannot afford to be haphazard. They control a global empire worth many trillions of dollars. That’s a whole lotta cash. That kind of money buys judges and governors and Senators and Supreme Courts and Presidents by the garbage-barge load. That kind of money buys multi-billion-dollar weapons systems that hold the entire planet hostage to the American corporate capitalist system of economic slavery. And it can buy every newspaper, magazine, movie studio, radio station and T.V. network in the land to chant to you, night and day, about what a grand and glorious “freedom” we enjoy in our servitude.

Down is up, wrong is right, bad is good, coldness is hot, slavery is freedom, lies are truth, the truth is false, patriotic lemmings are “rugged, independent individuals”, and America, the greatest terrorist nation on Earth, “fights terrorism”. This is the message of the American plutocracy, brought to you by their corporate mass-media.

As President Calvin Coolidge once admitted: “The business of America is business.” And I do believe the bastards mean business.

Mass-media brainwashing

cartoon reptile standing in front of an American flag, looking stupidly naive as it gives an approving thumbs up 


“...the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious.

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly — it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”

— Joseph Goebbels
Nazi Propaganda Minister

A very wealthy and powerful segment of corporate America bankrolled the Nazis’ rise to power in Germany in the 1920s and ’30s. And although the Nazis were defeated militarily in WWII, all was not lost. They were not totally defeated politically. Their covert sponsors in the American corporate plutocracy still had some use for them, and many highly-skilled Nazis were actually hired by the CIA after 1947. The psycho-political insights and mass-mind-control techniques of evil people like Goebbels and Himmler were absorbed into the political arsenal of corporate America and the U.S. government. Nazi propaganda techniques and strategies have been absorbed most thoroughly, and ironically, by the pro-Israel, Zionist-dominated, corporate mass-media.

As a result, the American corporate mass-media is today a truly diabolical lie-machine. It relentlessly fosters mass ignorance and it exploits that ignorance with masterful expertise. It routinely evades sordid political realities by simply ignoring them. When an issue can no longer be ignored, the mass-media will cover it up by telling simplistic lies, endlessly repeated for years, until so many people unthinkingly repeat them that the lies take on a life of their own. Goebbels would be proud.

Fortunately, however, all that is getting harder for the corporate mass-media to do, thanks to the Internet.

Yet even without access to truthful information, no adult with a human heart and half a brain need ever be seduced by The Machine’s insidious lies. Seeing through the deceit is not necessarily a matter of mental intelligence or knowledge. You can feel it. There’s often something strangely empty, something alien and subtly disturbing about even the most innocent-appearing corporate media productions. There’s something very cold and hard hiding behind the professional smiles of politicians and media “personalities” and T.V. “news” reporters. It pervades the hollow, flashing, narcotic spectacle of the corporate media circus in general — an arrogant, adolescent, inhuman toxicity, profoundly hostile to all that is genuinely moral and benignly natural.

Obviously, most Americans have been brainwashed — from earliest childhood — by both T.V. and the government brainwashing centers (a.k.a. “schools”). American schools and television contribute mightily to making conventional Americans the most mentally homogenous and politically ignorant people in the industrialized world. If you’re a conventional American, then The Machine owns your silly little mind. You believe that slaughtering civilian men, women and innocent children with cluster bombs is “humanitarian intervention” or “fighting terrorism”. And besides, they’re not really people anyway, right? Your T.V. has reassured you, repeatedly, that they’re all just faceless, invisible, “collateral damage”.

Such repugnant dishonesty is nothing new, however. If you know the truth of American history then you know that American mainstream society has always been a roiling swamp of lies and evasion and coverups. The biggest difference is that in today’s America the great mass-media lie-machine is controlled by a smaller percentage of people than ever before. And today’s technology allows the deceit to be more pervasive and persistent.

From every blaring radio and flickering T.V. the corporate capitalist brainwashing subtly and persistently insinuates itself into the passive, unsuspecting minds of “consumers”. In every mainstream newspaper and magazine we see only the “news” the corporate owners want us to see. Ten thousand corporate Sirens sing their songs of capitalist seduction, day and night, and American society is one big ship of fools, permanently wrecked upon the rocks of its materialistic pipe dreams. The Sirens sing on, week after week and month after month and year after year after year, and the fools listen, enchanted, ever hopeful.

The voice of truth is very effectively drowned out in America.

“But we still have Freedom Of Speech!” the apologists for America will insist. Sure we do, sort of, as long as only a few people are listening. You can say what you want to your friends and small groups of people. Attract a big enough crowd, however, and you’ll also attract the attention of Big Brother. And if Big Brother doesn’t like what you’re saying to that big crowd, you’re not going to be saying it anymore.

U.S. government censorship tactics

The American plutocracy, together with it’s loyal pets in the U.S. military/government, is a very sophisticated mafia. If you are sufficiently influential and you dare to tell the uncensored political truth to a large enough number of people, the government will initially attempt to silence you by using a combination of non-lethal methods. Not that they wouldn’t dearly love to silence all opposition with a bullet to the head. But they know they mustn’t frighten the tax-paying herd. A rebellious stampede could easily get out of control and run right over them. So to keep the unthinking masses pacified and obediently paying their taxes, America’s violently evil rulers have got to maintain the mass-illusion that they’re human beings, and that as such they share the same human values as everybody else.

Non-lethal methods

America’s sadistic rulers put on their smiling masks and prattle before the T.V. cameras about things like “family values” and “God fearin’ patriotism”, singing rhetorical lullabies to the citizen-cows to keep them fast asleep. But they show an entirely different face to those few Americans with a higher-than-bovine intelligence and spirit. Psychological intimidation is chief among the government’s initial non-lethal methods of censorship. If you dare to seriously criticize or expose their evil system, and you have any material assets to speak of, they’ll threaten to give you serious financial problems. They can and will use economic sabotage and legal harassment to financially ruin you, your family and friends. The prospect of this is all it takes to reduce most Americans to a state of spineless, quivering compliance. Bowls of yellow-jello. However, if you’re one of The Few, The Proud — or The Too Poor — to be silenced by financial intimidation, then they’ll just have to set their FBI dogs on you. (In the near future they’ll also unleash their “Homeland Security” thugs. Sieg Heil!)

Contrary to its carefully cultivated Hollywood image of “heroic G-men” and “crime fighters”, the FBI is itself a criminal organization. It has been used as a lawbreaking political police from the day it was founded. The FBI is essentially an American Gestapo, and they’re very experienced and skilled at all types of political intimidation, including such bestial methods as torture and murder. Like a great many county sheriff’s deputies and big-city pigs, many FBI agents are nothing more than criminals with badges, and it is standard procedure for them to use all manner of illegal methods to frighten you into silence. Common non-lethal methods of intimidation include everything from anonymous death threats and obscene phone calls to highly visible surveillance stakeouts and relentless tailing, using teams in multiple vehicles and on foot, like wolf packs.

FBI methods of subversion include the spreading of false rumors to ruin your reputation — and here the whoring mass-media is perfectly positioned, highly able and more than willing to assist in such treachery. It comes very naturally since corporate media hacks are already professional liars by trade.

The FBI is also well-versed in the art of forging email and paper correspondence. For instance, there is a well-known COINTELPRO case where an FBI agent sent a fake letter to a White man who was a liberal political activist. The fake letter appeared to be from an angry Black woman, complaining bitterly that her Black boyfriend and the White man’s White wife were having an affair. All of it existed only in the imagination of the seedy FBI agent, but it succeeded in arousing suspicions and breaking up the marriage. Another fine example of your tax dollars at work.

The possibilities for creating chaos are virtually endless for sleazy FBI agents. They can easily intercept, alter, and then resend any non-encrypted email, to and from your friends, lovers and associates, to disrupt, confuse and poison both your private and professional life.

Many criminal FBI agents are also highly skilled in the art of burglary. It is very easy for them to get inside your home to install bugs, photograph your files and private correspondence and copy the entire contents of your hard disk and removable disks — all without leaving any discernible physical trace that they were ever there. On the other hand, if they want you to know and be intimidated by it, they will violate your home in a manner that leaves you no doubt you’ve been burglarized.

Lethal methods

If you’re sufficiently powerless, FBI thugs can even pay a little visit to your place while you’re actually there, gratuitously ransacking your home or business, stealing your computers for “evidence”, and roughing you up while threatening and humiliating you and your friends. Anybody who resists this illegal abuse can be beaten and arrested, and transported to jail for more illegal abuse of all kinds behind closed doors, including even rape and torture.

This is reality, folks. Sorry to have to break the news, if you don’t already know. It really happens to people, not only in the countries our military/government controls, but in America as well. Our evil rulers and their military/government thugs place no value on human life. They torture, rape and murder people in other countries, and they do it in this country too, whenever they can get away with it. We really shouldn’t be surprised at that. We know what they did in Vietnam, and still do in Central America and Colombia. Those media-brainwashed flag-wavers who still believe in “The Land of the Free” might as well believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and Tinkerbell too. Behind its simpering mask, the true face of America is ugly as Hell.

And when its corporate owners don’t want you to know, not one word about any of these totally illegal abuses will ever be reported by the mainstream “news” media.

Political-Science Fact of Life #1: America is not now, nor has it ever been governed by “The Rule of Law”, applied fairly and equally to all citizens. On the contrary, America has always been ruled chiefly by The Law of The Jungle, whose highest principle is “Might Makes Right”. Horrific police brutality and FBI-Gestapo abuses have been inflicted on millions of people for as long as the police and FBI have existed. (For helpful information, see the book War At Home: Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It)

America is ruled by The Law of The Jungle. So if you are an exceedingly courageous, high-profile political activist who cannot be intimidated into silence — and some sufficiently powerful individual or clique within the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government considers it a top priority to silence you — they will switch from non-lethal to lethal methods. Sooner or later (usually sooner) you will conveniently die in an “accident”, or from a “disease” or by “suicide”. The wonders of technology and modern chemistry have enabled them to become increasingly adept at the art and science of covert assassination. However, if for some reason they fail to murder you by any of the more subtle and surreptitious methods, they can always just blow your brains out.

Of course such an assassination will have been carefully set up, framed as the work of some individual, isolated “wacko”, the proverbial “lone gunman”. If the mass-media script they’ve decided upon then calls for him to be caught at all, he will be shot himself if he doesn’t cooperate, as happened with Oswald. If he does cooperate and pleads “guilty” as he’s told, like James Earl Ray, he’ll be whisked away to prison for life, with no messy and problematic trial to arouse the American public from its narcotic slumber. That’s the ideal. Of course Ray later recanted and demanded a public trial, but by then the corporate mass-media could easily bury the story, and he never got his trial.

Not that it would have mattered. Consider the unusual circumstance where The Lone Gunman dares to plead “not guilty” at the outset, as did Sirhan Sirhan. Because of so much publicity, before the trial he couldn’t be shot dead by guards for “trying to escape”, or “stabbed by inmates in a fight over a pack of cigarettes”, or found dead after “hanging himself” in his cell or “accidentally” falling out a window — common fates of prisoners whom the rulers want silenced. But it didn’t make any difference. He was buried for life in the prison system anyway, after a kangaroo-court trial in which major evidence and eyewitness testimony was suppressed. Evidence and testimony which proved that the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, like that of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King, was carried out by a highly professional team.

A highly professional team, for instance, whose weapons, ammo, methods and even personnel bear a curious resemblance to the elite assassination squads trained by the U.S. military/government and the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet. Squads that are routinely used to assassinate independent leaders in impoverished and enslaved countries around the world.

What a coincidence! Gosh, it’s a small world after all.

So from then on, of course, all that suppressed evidence and eyewitness testimony will be steadfastly ignored by the corporate McNews media. And if the eyewitnesses stubbornly insist on trying to publicly tell their stories, they too will begin to meet with mysterious “accidents” and to disappear, one by one, as the years and decades drift inexorably by. Until a time comes when there is nobody left alive who dares tell what they know, and what was once an electrifying national paroxysm becomes nothing more than a vague and controversial memory from a distant, dream-like past... finally to be forgotten entirely, and never resolved. No answers. No truth. No justice.

And the fondest hope of America’s satanic rulers is that in some soulless, subhuman, fascist future, the school-molded, media-mesmerized, chemically-controlled, chip-implanted, tax-paying herd of citizen-cows will be unable to remember anything at all. Unable even to think of anything higher than the State-approved thought of how very fortunate they are to have a sterile barn in which to be milked by their parasitical corporate masters.

As for the present, a relentless, mass-sleep-inducing strategy is right now being applied to Americans regarding the horrific events of 9-11 by America’s rulers and their mind-controlling mass-media. And if the herd of American citizen-cows doesn’t even have enough intelligence to know, nor the human soul to care, when 3000 of their fellow citizens are slaughtered by their own evil government, such bovine fools truly deserve the national slavery and slaughterhouse fate which awaits them.

It’s time for Revolution, not reform

In spite of such corporate/government suppression and mass-brainwashing, however, I think if you’re one of that growing number of people in America who honestly care to know the whole truth, you will discover it one way or another, sooner or later. There are millions of private people and thousands of private, non-corporate groups telling the political truth to relatively small crowds. Small, that is, compared to Martin Luther King, who had a huge national audience when he spoke out against the Vietnam Genocide. That’s why he was silenced. But as long as not too many people listen to truth tellers, they’ll be permitted to go on telling it.

In the post-911 world, however, political life in America is sliding downhill with increasing speed. Under the hypocritical guise of “fighting terrorism”, the terrorist U.S. military/government is doing its damnedest to drag everybody downwards and backwards into a political paleolithic age.

The hard truth is that unless enough Americans start working together to literally overthrow the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government and replace it with an honest democracy, they will sooner or later be laboring under the yoke of a techno-fascist police state such as George Orwell never imagined in his worst nightmares. Of course America is already effectively fascist at the national level, and it’s always been a violent police-state for the working poor and for racial minorities. But the disease of fascism will spread from Washington D.C. to the farthest corners of the land like political anthrax — unless enough people take radical steps to cure it.

The U.S. government cannot be reformed. It’s a terminal case, rotting hopelessly from it’s own total corruption. If well-meaning but naive people keep playing along with it, imagining they can seriously reform it, they will have to discover the hard way that The System is actually designed to defeat them. Furthermore, in the relatively rare cases where the American plutocracy can’t defeat reformers legally, it simply breaks the law and defeats them illegally. And who’s to stop them? Certainly not the American people foolishly working within the system! They can’t even get their votes for the U.S. President to be honestly counted!

“The whole fabric of society will go to wrack if we really lay hands of reform on our rotten institutions. ... From top to bottom the whole system is a fraud, all of us know it, laborers and capitalists alike, and all of us are consenting parties to it.”

— Henry Adams
American politician

quoted by Gore Vidal in
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Those who play along with the whole national charade and attempt to work within the rotten system to “reform” it will discover that the corporate plutocracy is playing along too — toying with them. Having a good laugh at them, over cocktails, in between shots of bourbon and snorts of the finest cocaine. The only realistic, long-term solution is genuinely democratic, total revolution. In the meantime, we don’t live in a democracy.

But perhaps it wouldn’t matter how politically suffocated American society is if it weren’t for the fact that our government and military seriously hurt a lot of innocent people all over the world. There’s an old saying: “A people get the government they deserve.” That certainly has been true in America’s case. But what have all the impoverished and terrorized people of the world done to deserve America? All those fascist dictatorships wouldn’t exist without America to back them up. America’s mass-murder, torture, terrorization and impoverishment of millions of people all over the world seems, oh, just a bit unfair.

Well, now I know the truth about this dirty country I live in. And “America” is a dirty word to me. There is absolutely nothing to be proud of in being an American. Less than nothing, actually. Especially when you know the truth of our cruel, evil history. All those millions of people, even innocent children, slaughtered by mindless military psychopaths on the orders of their satanic corporate/banking masters.

It’s time for Revolution. Long past time.

Apathy = Immorality

In spite of all the evil Americans, however, I’d guess there must be a few million genuinely good and courageous people living here. They’re a tiny percentage of the total of 280+ million people, yet that still means millions of people. But they’re spread out everywhere, they aren’t concentrated in any locality I know of — apart from the incredible recent demonstrations! Traditionally, however, it has been the case that in every town in America, for each one of the honestly good people there are several pious fakes. And flocks of apathetic sheeple.

America is a nation that is politically, economically, psychologically and militarily dominated by real evil. And historically the vast majority of Americans have been counterfeit “good” men and women who do nothing while the forces of American evil prevail in the world.

“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice.

“Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.”

— Michael Rivero

Too many media-brainwashed Americans of both the Left and Right were willing to look the other way, or even cheer like suckered morons, while thousands of innocent civilians and helpless children in Yugoslavia were butchered, poisoned and burned alive by American cluster-bombs, depleted uranium missiles, napalm and horrific fuel-air incendiary bombs. A newly intensified phase has begun in the 40-year dirty covert war against the helpless people of Colombia. And very overt dirty wars have been waged by America’s cowardly military butchers against the innocent civilian men, women and children of Afghanistan and Iraq.

And the typical, damned, flag-waving American patriot could not care less.

The Internet vs. the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government

Poor, heartless, brainwashed American fools. They gaze into their subjective mirrors and imagine they see “Sophistication” and “Rugged Individualism”. The world looks at them and laughs with scorn, seeing conventional Americans for what they are: a conformist mass of apathetic, arrogant, politically-ignorant lemmings.

But nowadays there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for political ignorance if you’ve got access to the Internet.

Educate yourself while you can, however — free speech on the Internet will be a thing of the past if the American corporate plutocracy has its way. The exposure of American war crimes on the Internet is high on the hit list of the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government. Evil hates exposure to the light of public awareness. Evil totally depends on ignorance, confusion, darkness and deceit — and the heartless apathy that grows from them like a spiritual cancer.

I owe a debt of gratitude to all those genuinely good men and women of heart who are not apathetic, the good people who have been fighting in the trenches for many years to wake others up. They can rest assured that they are steadily getting through to more and more people — those people who have the capacity to care about others. They are inspiring those whose consciences will not let them look the other way once they know the truth.

The authors, publishers, organizations, websites and decent individuals I’ve included on this site are speaking out loudly and clearly. They are doing something to expose the monumental evil of American state terrorism.

And they are just a few of the millions of good people all around this tortured world, the people with political and moral courage. People like the 60,000 — 80,000 heroes and heroines from around the world who demonstrated peacefully in Seattle (and later in D.C., Los Angeles and Philadelphia) — in spite of the concussion grenades, rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray, fists, batons, bootheels and sadistic, anarchic bestiality of the filthy, inhuman robocops.

In reality, America is already nothing but a techno-fascist police state masquerading as a “democracy”. And those black-clad, armored PIGS are definitely the BAD GUYS. Such violently evil robocops are merely the hired guns, the “muscle” of the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government.

true American flag - swastika and stripes - symbol of American state terrorism

American State Terrorism

The Internet is a miraculous saving grace for warning us about the various American bad guys, uniformed and not. And it has appeared on the scene not a moment too soon. Just when the corporate/banking plutocracy had consolidated all the mass-media into a handful of mega-corporations, just when they thought they’d get the mind of America sewn up tight and permanently under control, the Internet had to come along and blow all their best laid plans right out of the water. Isn’t it tragic.

If I could choose anything I want, however, the last thing in the world I’d do is research and write about the gruesome horrors committed by the U.S. military/government. But conscience doesn’t give me a choice. Not everybody has access to the Internet, and many of those who do often sleepwalk online, reading the sites of the same mega-corporations that totally dominate television, movies and newspapers. Meanwhile, our military/government is a genocidal monster. It’s murdering people all over the world. It’s murdering the world itself, through the poisoning, mutating and destruction of our natural environment. Those of us who know have a moral duty to inform those who still don’t know.

So speaking out against American state terrorism is a duty and an essential service. The ugly reality is deeply distressing, but you can’t fight evil by sticking your head in the sand. Although waking up to this reality is extremely unpleasant, there is nevertheless a desperate need for ignorant Americans to wake up, for the sake of the world. For their own sake as well, because there is always a very, very heavy price to pay for evil.

We’ve got to face it: the U.S. government and military have done great evil to millions of people around the world.

“From 1945 to the end of the century, the United States attempted to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments, and to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements struggling against intolerable regimes.

“In the process, the US caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair.”

— William Blum
from the introduction to Rogue State

In fact this international genocide has been going on over the entire course of the last century, beginning with the Philippine genocide of 1899-1902. Millions of helpless civilian people and innocent children have been brutally murdered by violent, inhuman goons hired by the American corporate/banking plutocracy — the homicidal psychopaths of the United States Air Force, Navy, Army and Marines.

Only a homicidal psychopath would murder children and helpless civilian people. And the United States government, like all mafias, depends for its very survival on the bloodthirsty services of such evil people.

Your friendly, neighborhood propaganda agents

“Following the same course that virtually every other major industry has in the last two decades, a relentless series of mergers and corporate takeovers has consolidated control of the media into the hands of a few corporate behemoths.

“The result has been that an increasingly authoritarian agenda has been sold to the American people by a massive, multi-tentacled media machine that has become, for all intents and purposes, a propaganda organ of the state.”

— David McGowan
from the introduction to Derailing Democracy

In addition to homicidal psychopaths in uniform, the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government requires the close cooperation of the corporate-owned, corporate-controlled “news” media. These venal mass-media marionettes are absolutely essential accomplices to American war crimes. Without the help of the mass-media’s daily lies and coverups, the U.S. government would not be able to continue its endless assault on humanity. If people in the mass-media actually got a conscience and dared to fully and consistently expose the horrible truth about what our corporate-owned government and murderous military are really up to, there would be total revolution in short order.

“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”

— William Colby
former Director of the CIA

And the Jewish-Zionist dominated corporate/banking plutocracy owns everyone of any significance in the Central Intelligence Agency. It’s no mere coincidence that the CIA is also known as “The Company”.

From its beginning in 1947, the CIA’s most essential purpose has actually been propaganda and mass mind-control, not intelligence gathering. It has done its dirty work around the world, of course, but no propaganda is more important than that which is sold domestically to the American people.

Like all criminal organizations, the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government lives by deceit. It must lie routinely to the American people in order to continue feeding off their tax dollars. If enough Americans got a clue (and a heart) and refused to pay these war criminals to butcher civilian men, women and children around the world, the U.S. government would collapse. So, to keep those cash-cow taxpayers from stampeding in the wrong direction, the CIA must see to it that they remain as politically ignorant as possible. Since most Americans get their “news” from the corporate mass-media, the CIA controls the political opinions of most Americans by controlling the publishers, editors and station managers, who in turn control the journalists and talking heads of the corporate mass-media.

The corporate mass-media is ultimately owned and controlled by the Jewish-American segment of the American plutocracy. This is particularly obvious where the issue of the terrorist State of Israel is concerned. There is a ruthless, unprincipled, Machiavellian alliance between the Jewish-American plutocracy (a.k.a. the Jewish Mafia) and the CIA, despite the latter’s use of ex-Nazi officers after WWII.

Those who own the mass-media decide what is presented to you on your television screen. It is not a democratic process. And the fewer media owners there are, the easier they are to control. That is the purpose of the corporate mass-media ownership consolidation in the last twenty years.

The Jewish-Zionist plutocracy and the CIA have done their job very well indeed. The U.S. military/government and its Israeli allies terrorize the world’s people with the enthusiastic connivance of the professional liars who predominate at the T.V. networks, newspapers, wire services, magazines and radio. In corporate America, principled journalists who refuse to be intellectual prostitutes inevitably find themselves out of a job. Courageous people who persistently attempt to reveal politically-sensitive, U.S. government crime to a large enough audience will find themselves dead. Venal whores, on the other hand, discover a world of well-paying opportunities in the mainstream, corporate mass-media.

If they have telegenic faces they can become highly-paid, talking-head androids on T.V. But even then, mere looks are not enough: they have to learn the art of jabbering in that familiar, rhythmic, sing-song cadence that is calculated to hypnotize an audience of T.V. viewers. If they’re too ugly for T.V. they can become similarly jabbering radio “personalities”. With a talent for writing they can become crooked newspaper editors, magazine editors or journalists. If they know the right people they can become high-profile national columnists in the discreet pay of the CIA. But whatever position they hold, they’re all fundamentally the same species of unprincipled, mercenary whore.

This smiling, smarmy army of deception includes the huge, extremely wealthy, yet little-known public relations firms (such as the Rendon Group, Ruder-Finn, Hill & Knowlton, Shandwick, Burson-Marsteller and Ketchum PR) with their legions of fraudulent PR flacks. While the hairstyled, make-up covered news-droids preen in the public spotlight, the creative brains behind the deceit are the PR flacks, hidden from public view in their corporate offices. PR flacks are the ones who dream up everything from complex propaganda campaigns to simple sanitized phrases like “humanitarian intervention” and “collateral damage” as euphemisms for the bloody cluster-bomb mass-murder of innocent children and civilians.

Like all whores, corporate journalists and PR flacks offer their services to the highest bidder. And of course the highest bidder is always the corporate/banking plutocracy. This consists of the major stock-holders, CEOs and board members of the biggest banks, media-conglomerates and mega-corporations — many of which have more money than entire nations in this exploited world. Fifty-one of the world’s 100 biggest economies are corporations, not countries.

The finite lifespans of predatory empires

The cruel crimes against humanity perpetrated by America’s corporate capitalist rulers — and their whoring minions in the U.S. government, the U.S. military and the mass-media — will drag this nation down to its inevitable karmic doom. Or to put it another way: what goes around comes around.

U.S. government agents and military personnel have directly committed the bloody genocide, rape and torture of millions of people around the world. America continues to directly support fascist dictatorships all over the world, dictatorships which also routinely torture people, rape people and murder people, sometimes by the hundreds of thousands, and even by the millions. U.S. military/government war criminals have done incredible violence and evil to millions of people all over the world, and covered it all up with massive propaganda campaigns for a hundred years.

So what do you think — should they simply get away with it?

Should there be no punishment for such horrific crimes against humanity? Do you think there will never be a day of reckoning? If you do, then you don’t know history. There is always a day of reckoning. And in America’s case, it will have to be a catastrophic day indeed — unless things are turned around radically. And very soon. Unless there is Total Revolution in American society and we pay trillions of dollars in reparations for the next 100 years to the people of all the countries we’ve impoverished and terrorized.

Fat chance, huh? Knowing selfish, apathetic America you know that only total economic collapse will bring about Total Revolution. That economic collapse is definitely going to happen, but then we’ll no longer have trillions of dollars for reparations. And in any case, all the money in the world will never atone for the torture, rape and murder of people’s loved ones. Considering the massive extent of the American terrorist atrocities already committed, it seems obvious that it’s far too late already. No matter what happens.

There comes a time in the finite life of a predatory empire like America’s, when so many horrible crimes against humanity have been committed for so long, that it is simply impossible to undo the damage and escape the repercussions.

At that point the total destruction of the predator is the only way to begin the karmic reparations for such a magnitude of evil. The thorough obliteration of the Babylonian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Roman and Mongol Empires, and more recently the Mussolini Fascist Empire and the Nazi Third Reich, are just a few of the many examples. Evil empires always meet their doom, sooner or later. The American Empire is next on history’s hit list.

“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.”

— Adolf Hitler

Yes, and how unfortunate for Adolf Hitler, Ariel Sharon and all the evil Caesars of history who always imagine they’ll get away with their crimes. How very unfortunate for the American corporate/banking plutocracy and U.S. military/government terrorists who imagine they’ll get away with their monstrous crimes against humanity.

The future is also very dark indeed for the cowardly, patriotic American flag-wavers who fully support the forces of American evil as they temporarily prevail in the world.

true American flag - swastika and stripes - symbol of American state terrorism

But for as long as we live, to the day we die and beyond, each of us who does whatever we can to help will be able to face the future with a clear conscience. At least we tried to warn our sleeping brothers and sisters about this techno-fascist American Beast. At least we did something to oppose it.

Many sleeping sheeple will continue to wallow in their benighted, media-mesmerized apathy as the Titanic ship of American state plows full speed ahead toward its karmic iceberg. And they’ll all drown in bitter regret someday.

When it’s time for us to die, to shed the physical body, those of us who refused to submerge our Earthly lives in apathy will be able to face ourselves and God (or whatever you call the Higher Reality) and be counted among those with a human heart.


Rogue State:
A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower
by William Blum

Killing Hope:
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII
by William Blum

To Kill A Nation:
The Attack on Yugoslavia
by Michael Parenti

Pirates and Emperors, Old and New:
International Terrorism in the Real World
by Noam Chomsky

The Fire This Time:
U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf
by Ramsey Clark

Desert Slaughter:
The Imperialist War Against Iraq
by the Workers League

Western State Terrorism
Alexander George, editor; essays by Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Gerry O’Sullivan and others

The Real Terror Network:
Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda
by Edward S. Herman

The Culture of Terrorism
by Noam Chomsky

Terrorizing the Neighborhood:
American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era

by Noam Chomsky
Pressure Drop Press, 1991

Hidden Agenda:
U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia
by Ramsey Clark, Nadja Tesich, Michel Chossudovsky, Slobodan Milosevic, numerous authors

NATO in the Balkans:
Voices of Opposition
by Ramsey Clark, Sean Gervasi, Sara Flounders, Thomas Deichmann, Gary Wilson, Richard Becker and Nadja Tesich

Apocalypse 1945:
The Destruction of Dresden
by David Irving

Lies My Teacher Told Me:
Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong
by James Loewen

A People’s History of the United States:
1492 — Present
by Howard Zinn

The Beast Reawakens
by Martin A. Lee

What Uncle Sam Really Wants
by Noam Chomsky

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
by Gore Vidal

The Phoenix Program
by Douglas Valentine

The Genocidal Democracy
by Javier Giraldo

Against Empire
by Michael Parenti

Bloody Hell:
The Price Soldiers Pay
by Daniel Hallock

The Sword and the Dollar:
Imperialism, Revolution and the Arms Race
by Michael Parenti

Corporate Predators:
The Hunt for Mega-Profits and the Attack on Democracy
by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Dying For Growth:
Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor
Edited by Jim Yong Kim, Joyce V. Millen, Alec Irwin and John Gershman

Democracy for the Few
by Michael Parenti

Derailing Democracy:
The America the Media Don’t Want You to See
by David McGowan

War At Home:
Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It
by Brian Glick

War, Lies & Videotape:
How media monopoly stifles truth
edited by Lenora Foerstel; multiple authors

Manufacturing Consent:
The Political Economy of the Mass Media
by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky

Inventing Reality:
The Politics of News Media
by Michael Parenti

The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media:
Decoding Spin and Lies in Mainstream News
by Norman Solomon

Deadly Deceits:
My 25 years in the CIA
by Ralph W. McGehee

The Hidden Persuaders:
What makes us buy, believe – and even vote – the way we do?
by Vance Packard

Dumbing Us Down:
The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
by John Taylor Gatto

Censored 2000:
The Year’s Top 25 Censored Stories
by Peter Phillips & Project Censored

Toxic Sludge is Good for You!:
Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry
by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton

Secrets and Lies:
The Anatomy of an Anti-Environmental PR Campaign
by Nicky Hager & Bob Burton

[Blue Ribbon Campaign icon]
Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

“If you want free speech you can go down to a street corner and shout.”

— Jim Olson
owner of Humboldt Internet
September 26, 2001

On September 14, 2001, three days after the WTC attack, the owner of the ISP summarily deleted the original American Terrorism website. When informed that he was suppressing online free speech, he offered the helpful advice above.
Launched: May, 2000  —  Torpedoed: September 14, 2001   R.I.P.

To spare my vocal chords I offer this remaining mirror site: (Germany)
AWOL: October 24, 2003 – no response to email inquiries (U.K.)
Missing In Action: May 27, 2002
entire site vanished, email inquiries bounced back
Axed by December 13, 2001 (see note below)
Torpedoed by October 18, 2001 (see note below)

“Lycos [Tripod and Angelfire]... reserves the right to terminate any user’s access to the Lycos Network...for any reason or for no reason at all, in Lycos’ sole discretion, without prior notice, or any notice.”

...or without any discretion, or, after September 11, 2001, for a hypocrite, patriot-idiot, police-state censorship reason.

$  Burn the evil American flag - symbol of American state terrorism.  $

PLUTOCRACY \plu-'tok-rih-see\ n. [Gk ploutokratia, fr. ploutos, wealth] 1: government by the wealthy  2: a controlling class of rich men and women

Plutonian \plu-'toe-nee-un\ adj, often cap 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of Pluto or the lower world : INFERNAL
burning fireburning fireburning fireburning fireburning fire

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“The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy.”

— Ramsey Clark
former U.S. Attorney General

books Main Bibliography books

Related bibliographies, by subject

Alphabetical listing of all reviewed books, by AuthorSubjectTitle

Rogue State:
A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower

by William Blum
Common Courage Press, 2000; ISBN 1-56751-194-5

“From 1945 to the end of the century, the United States attempted to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments, and to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements struggling against intolerable regimes.

“In the process, the US caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair.”

— William Blum

More about Rogue State and William Blum...

The Real Terror Network:
Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda

by Edward S. Herman
South End Press, 1982; ISBN 0-89608-134-6

“If ‘terrorism’ means ‘intimidation by violence or the threat of violence,’ and if we allow the definition to include violence by states and agents of states, then it is these, not isolated individuals or small groups, that are the important terrorists in the world.

“If terrorist violence is measured by the extent of politically motivated torture and murder, is in the U.S.-sponsored and protected ‘authoritarian’ states — the real terror network — that these forms of violence have reached a high crescendo in recent decades.”

— Edward S. Herman

Also by Herman:

The Terrorism Industry
Pantheon, 1990

More about The Real Terror Network and Edward S. Herman...

Killing Hope:
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II

by William Blum
Common Courage Press, 1995, 2001; ISBN 1-56751-052-3

“From China in the 1940s to Guatemala today, William Blum provides the most comprehensive study of the ongoing American holocaust.”

More about William Blum and Killing Hope...

Western State Terrorism
Alexander George, editor; essays by Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Gerry O’Sullivan and others
Routledge, 1991, New York; in Britain: Polity Press, Basil Blackwell, 1991, Cambridge, Oxford; ISBN 0-745-609-317

“There are two ways to approach the study of terrorism. One may adopt a literal approach, taking the topic seriously, or a propagandistic approach, construing the concept of terrorism as a weapon to be exploited in the service of some system of power. In each case it is clear how to proceed. Pursuing the literal approach, we begin by determining what constitutes terrorism. We then seek instances of the phenomenon — concentrating on the major examples, if we are serious — and try to determine causes and remedies.

“The propagandistic approach dictates a different course. We begin with the thesis that terrorism is the responsibility of some officially designated enemy. We then designate terrorist acts as ‘terrorist’ just in the cases where they can be attributed (whether plausibly or not) to the required source; otherwise they are to be ignored, suppressed, or termed ‘retaliation’ or ‘self-defence.’”

— Noam Chomsky

Excerpt from Western State Terrorism — chapter 2: “International Terrorism: Image and Reality” by Noam Chomsky

Pirates and Emperors, Old and New:
International Terrorism in the Real World
(New Edition)
by Noam Chomsky
South End Press, 2003; ISBN 0-89608-685-2
Claremont, 1986; Black Rose Books, 1987; Amana, 1988

This new, fully updated edition of Noam Chomsky’s classic dissection of terrorism explores the role of the U.S. in the Middle East, and reveals how the media are used to manipulate public opinion about what constitutes “terrorism”. With several new chapters as well as the original sections on Iran and the bombing of Libya, Pirates and Emperors is a brilliant account of the workings of state terrorism by the world’s foremost critic of U.S. terrorism.

More about Pirates and Emperors, Old and New and Noam Chomsky...

Against Empire
by Michael Parenti
City Lights Books, 1995; ISBN 0-87286-298-4

“A brilliant exposé of the brutal realities of U.S. global domination.”

“The history of imperialism is also, however, a history of resistance, struggle, and achievement; Against Empire offers compelling alternatives for progressive change.”

More about Against Empire and Michael Parenti...

What Uncle Sam Really Wants
by Noam Chomsky
Odonian Press, 1992; ISBN 1-878825-01-1

What does Uncle Sham really want? Clue: it sure ain’t about “democracy”, “freedom”, “peace” or “brotherly love”!

To put it simply: since before the end of WWII the United States Corporate Mafia Government has been hell bent for total world domination, by any and all means necessary, no matter how brutal — including the slaughter of as many millions of innocent civilian men, women and children as it takes to accomplish that goal. Millions of civilian people have been horribly murdered in Japan, Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and many other places. This genocide has been carried out directly by the United States military and by the militaries of its puppet governments.

Here are some excerpts from every chapter of What Uncle Sam Really Wants and information on Noam Chomsky...

The Culture of Terrorism
by Noam Chomsky
South End Press, 1994; ISBN 0-89608-344-9

“This scathing critique of U.S. political culture is a brilliant analysis of the Iran-Contra scandal. Chomsky offers a message of hope, reminding us resistance is possible, necessary and effective.”

Also by Chomsky:

Terrorizing the Neighborhood:
American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era

Pressure Drop Press, 1991

More about The Culture of Terrorism and Noam Chomsky...

The Fire This Time:
U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf War

by Ramsey Clark
former U.S. Attorney General
International Action Center 1991, 3rd edition 2002

This is the new 2002 edition of Ramsey Clark’s important 1991 book. The Fire This Time documents the horrors of the one-sided Iraq Genocide — euphemistically known as the “Gulf War” and “Desert Storm”, just as slaughtered children are called “collateral damage”.

The updated edition adds information about the genocidal effect of America’s economic sanctions on the Iraqi people, where half of the two million dead are children under five-years-old. They are killed primarily by diseases like dysentery, which result from polluted water. The U.S. government refuses to allow the Iraqis to import the medicines and equipment necessary to heal the children and purify the water.

The new introduction to the book analyzes how the unelected Bush Regime has used the September 11 attacks to lauch its terroristic “war on terrorism”, which is actually nothing more than a brutal war to control Middle East and Central Asian oil.

More about The Fire This Time and Ramsey Clark...

The Phoenix Program
by Douglas Valentine
William Morrow Co., 1990; Avon Books, 1992;, Inc., 2000; ISBN 0-595-00738-4

“Created by the CIA in Saigon in 1967, Phoenix was a computer-driven program aimed at ‘neutralizing,’ through assassination, kidnapping, and systematic torture, the civilian infrastructure that supported the insurgency in South Vietnam. It was a terrifying ‘final solution’ that violated the Geneva Conventions and traditional American ideas of human morality.”

— Douglas Valentine

More about The Phoenix Program and Douglas Valentine...

The Sword and the Dollar:
Imperialism, Revolution and the Arms Race

by Michael Parenti
St. Martin’s Press, 1989; ISBN 0-31201-167-9

“An exposé of U.S. cold war history and interventionism in the Third World.”

“In this probing, provocative analysis, Michael Parenti reveals the hidden agenda of American foreign policy decisions. No matter which party is in power, the U.S. acts to protect the interests of large American-based corporations, in order to maintain valuable overseas markets and cheap foreign labor.”

More about The Sword and the Dollar and Michael Parenti...

To Kill A Nation:
The Attack on Yugoslavia

by Michael Parenti
Verso Books, 2001; ISBN 1-859-84776-5

To Kill a Nation is the best explanation of the great crime NATO committed and what it will mean for our future. It is full of insights on the role of US militarism and media disinformation in the service of corporate profits.”

— Sara Flounders
editor and co-author of NATO in the Balkans

More about Michael Parenti and To Kill A Nation...

Hidden Agenda:
U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia

by Ramsey Clark, Nadja Tesich, Michael Parenti, Slobodan Milosevic, Monica Moorehead, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Gloria La Riva, Michel Chossudovsky and many others
International Action Center, 2002

“This book is a follow-up to the extremely powerful and informative NATO in the Balkans [see entry below]. Hidden Agenda: U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia tells the truth about U.S. and NATO strategy in the Balkans. It exposes the reality and scope of the war crimes committed by the U.S. and NATO during and after their war against Yugoslavia.”

More about the U.S./NATO Hidden Agenda...

NATO in the Balkans:
Voices of Opposition

by Ramsey Clark, Sean Gervasi, Sara Flounders, Thomas Deichmann, Gary Wilson, Richard Becker and Nadja Tesich
International Action Center, 1998; ISBN 0-9656916-2-4

Beginning in 1992, hard on the heels of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States and Germany began a campaign to dismember Yugoslavia. This was part of a larger American strategy to control all of the Balkans, a strategy in which the German government was (and is) a junior partner.

There was just one problem. The independence-loving Serbians wouldn’t go along with the plan. They were literally the only nation in Europe that resisted American Imperialism. Therefore, the U.S. and Germany began a relentless and pervasive anti-Serb propaganda campaign in the mass-media. It worked very well.

(The Nazi-like Israeli and American Zionists are skilled at this same strategy against the Palestinians and all Arabs and Moslems.)

Now millions of media-mesmerized suckers firmly believe all the lies they’ve been told about Serbians for years. And due to the NATO terror campaign of 1999, the crippling sanctions and relentless political subversion, Yugoslavia has finally capitulated and is now on its knees before the American Beast.

This is what the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government calls “joining the family of nations.”

Well pardon me, Uncle Sham, but I think you and your “family” are just a wee bit dysfunctional.

More about NATO in the Balkans...

Apocalypse 1945:
The Destruction of Dresden

by David Irving
William Kimber Ltd., 1963; Focal Point, 1995, 1999; ISBN 0-958-760-217

It was the greatest single massacre of World War Two, a genocide which surpassed the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. As many as half-a-million German civilian men, women were burned to death on the night of February 13-14, 1945 by two massive firebombing attacks, carried out by the U.S. Army Air Force and the British Royal Air Force.

The next morning a third firebombing attack was carried out, during which sadistic American fighter pilots even strafed helpless crowds of injured and terrorized refugees as they tried to flee along the banks of the Elbe River.

More about David Irving and Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden...

See also:
The Dresden Holocaust

The Beast Reawakens
by Martin A. Lee
Little, Brown & Co., 1997; Routledge, 2000; ISBN 0-316-51959-6

Before, during and immediately after World War II, tens of millions of people died horribly at the hands of the Americans, Germans, Croatians, Italians, Japanese, Russians, Poles, British and other brutal war criminals. The German, Croatian, Japanese and Italian fascists were totally destroyed militarily, but that left the American closet-fascists as the supreme rulers of the world. No wonder then, that like the outbreak of a virulent disease we thought we had a vaccine for, fascism survived its apparent defeat and is now making a public comeback. Neofascism is an ugly reality in the world today — and it’s growing.

We are told in school and in the corporate mass-media that the forces of “democracy” won WWII. That’s a lie. The United States and the Soviet Union won that war — and neither of them were ever forces for democracy. In fact, the U.S. military/government has always been a covert supporter of fascism internationally, but only if those fascist governments are puppets of the U.S. If they try to be independent they are destroyed, as happened to Germany, Croatia, Italy and Japan.

But fascism got a very dirty name in WWII, so the American plutocracy’s support of it has had to be covert. The Beast Reawakens examines how and why the CIA secretly hired and protected many high-ranking Nazis after WWII. That’s right Mousketeers, it was none other than dear old Uncle Sham who lovingly helped fascism to survive and prosper. Particularly since the end of the Cold War, some elements of the American plutocracy have been covertly nurturing the steady rise of neofascists and neo-Nazis within the U.S. and Europe. And once again, these inhuman freaks have begun to publicly flex their muscles and rear their ugly heads, like dinosaurs in a political Jurassic Park.

More about The Beast Reawakens and Martin A. Lee...

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
by Gore Vidal
Odonian Press, 1992; ISBN 1-878-82500-3

“What is the national security state? Well, it began, officially, with the National Security Act of 1947 [NSC-68]; it was then implemented in January 1950 when the National Security Council produced a blueprint for a new kind of country, unlike anything that the United States had ever known before.”

“We can date from January 1950 the strict governmental control of our economy and the gradual erosion of our liberties, all in order to benefit the economic interest of what is never, to put it tactfully, a very large group — defense spending is money- but not labor intensive.”

Here are more excerpts from The Decline and Fall of the American Empire and information on Gore Vidal...

Derailing Democracy:
The America the Media Don’t Want You to See

by Dave McGowan
Common Courage Press, 2000; ISBN 1-56771-184-8

“Following the same course that virtually every other major industry has in the last two decades, a relentless series of mergers and corporate takeovers has consolidated control of the media into the hands of a few corporate behemoths.

“The result has been that an increasingly authoritarian agenda has been sold to the American people by a massive, multi-tentacled media machine that has become, for all intents and purposes, a propaganda organ of the state.”

— Dave McGowan

More about Derailing Democracy and Dave McGowan...

War at Home:
Covert Action Against U.S. Activists
and What We Can Do About It

by Brian Glick
South End Press, 1989; ISBN 0-89608-349-7

This valuable book provides a history of the FBI’s infamous COINTELPRO operations. These were used to murder, beat, intimidate, harass, confuse, fragment, destroy and silence political dissent by all leftist activists. These ILLEGAL FBI operations took place in the 1960s and ’70s against any Black, Puerto Rican, Indian or White person/group courageous enough to oppose U.S. government evil doing. The FBI is inherently a White-racist organization, however, and COINTELPRO operations were generally more violent and ruthless against the Black Panthers and other Black or Indian activists than they were against people of other races.

Today’s FBI persists in the murder and intimidation of Americans of all races, of course, but not under the same codename of “COINTELPRO.”

War at Home also gives practical tips on how to deal with today’s U.S. Corporate Mafia Government thugs. Basically the more unity and publicity the better. Like the criminal bullies they truly are, the FBI and the cops hate and fear the public exposure of their crimes by a unified opposition. Their basic strategy is to divide and conquer.

The book includes a checklist of essential precautions, information on your legal rights and defenses against the psychological warfare which the American Gestapo (FBI) uses to harass people who have moral consciences and political consciousness.

More about War At Home and Brian Glick...

War Tax Resistance:
A Guide To Withholding Your Support From The Military

“The most comprehensive guide to war tax resistance (WTR), including philosophical and political questions, information on the federal budget, the history of WTR, personal WTR stories, methods, consequences, international WTR, WTR organizing, and more.”

Available from the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee

Corporate Predators:
The Hunt for Mega-Profits and the Attack on Democracy

by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
Common Courage Press, 1999; Monroe, Maine; ISBN 1-56751-158-9

Fifty-one of the world’s biggest 100 economies are corporations — not countries.

As the most powerful institution of our time, the multinational corporation dominates not only global economics, but politics and culture as well. But the mechanisms of corporate control and the details of corporate abuses have remained largely hidden from public perception — until now.

More about Corporate Predators and authors Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman...

Democracy for the Few (Sixth Edition)
by Michael Parenti
St. Martin’s Press, 1995; New York; ISBN 0-312-05233-2

“American capitalism represents more than just an economic system; it is an entire cultural and social order, a plutocracy — that is, a system of rule by and for the rich — for the most part.

“Most universities and colleges, publishing houses, mass circulation magazines, newspapers, television and radio stations, professional sports teams, foundations, churches, private museums, charity organizations, and hospitals are organized as corporations, ruled by boards of trustees (or directors or regents) composed overwhelmingly of affluent businesspeople. These boards exercise final judgement over all institutional matters.”

— Michael Parenti
in Chapter 3: “The Plutocratic Culture”

More about Democracy for the Few and Michael Parenti...

Colombia: The Genocidal Democracy
by Javier Giraldo
Common Courage Press, 1996

Colombia is the most violent country in the world — thanks to U.S. government financial aid and military support for right-wing death squads and the Colombian army. The U.S. Corporate Mafia Government says that the $1.3 billion of your tax money which they’re giving to the Colombian military is for fighting “narco-terrorists”. That’s a dirty lie. The cocaine-smuggling U.S. Corporate Mafia Government is itself the world’s most powerful narco-terrorist organization.

Besides destroying the courageous rebel force that has been battling the genocidal Colombian government for the last 40 years, that $1.3 billion is for another, more important purpose:

Your tax dollars are paying the Colombian military and right-wing death squads to terrorize, torture and murder union members, people in left-wing movements, grass-roots organizers and human rights activists in every part of Colombia.

In light of that fact, the Common Courage Press is making this book freely available online, since it’s no longer in print.

More about Colombia: the Genocidal Democracy...

Toxic Sludge is Good For You!:
Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry

by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton
Common Courage Press, 1995; ISBN 1-56751-060-4

PR = PRopaganda. Together with the corporate-owned mass-media, the crooked public relations industry is one of the most insidious enemies of democracy in the world today. There is, in fact, no real difference between the corporate “news" media and the propaganda-for-hire PR industry.

More about Toxic Sludge is Good For You! and authors John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton...

Secrets and Lies:
The Anatomy of an Anti-Environmental PR Campaign

by Nicky Hager and Bob Burton
Common Courage Press, 1999; ISBN 1-56751-182-1

“The functioning of democracy depends on exposing the public relations industry. We wrote this book as an example of a PR campaign, but also as an example of how to counter it.”

More about Secrets and Lies...

The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media:
Decoding Spin and Lies in Mainstream News

by Norman Solomon
Common Courage Press, 1999; Monroe, Maine; ISBN 1-56751-154-6

“[Solomon] fights the good fight without fear of consequence... The best critics of the press — the great dissenters — always did this... Solomon’s work is in that passionate tradition, which may not be good for high blood pressure but is absolutely crucial if we ever hope to have a truly free press in this democratic nation.”

— Jonathan Kozol
from the Introduction

Note: true democracy is utterly impossible without a truly free press. How can people make informed decisions about who to vote for without a free press?

Therefore the fact that we do not have a truly free press in America is one of the clearest indications that we also do not have real democracy. Mainstream Americans are the most politically ignorant people in the industrialized world.

More about The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media and Norman Soloman...

Inventing Reality:
The Politics of News Media

by Michael Parenti
St. Martin’s Press, 1993; ISBN 0-312-02013-9

The so-called “news” media are an essential propaganda organ of the American corporate state. The truly evil rulers of this country literally cannot afford for people to know the truth. Evil can’t survive without deception. The U.S. military/government is a brutal, inhuman, terrorist organization. The world’s most powerful terrorists by far. And if conventional Americans dared to face that fact, then by their own professed “moral values” they would actually have to do something about it.

The bottom line, however, is that too many Americans are so repulsively immoral that they don’t honestly care about this monumental evil. As long as they’re materially comfortable, that’s all that really matters to them. These selfish cowards don’t want to do anything about their military/government’s state terrorism, so they simply deny it exists. “American state terrorism?? Bah, humbug! There’s no such thing!” And the corporate McNews media does everything it can to help these tax-paying bimbos keep their heads stuck firmly in the sand.

About Inventing Reality and Michael Parenti...

Censored 2000:
The Year’s Top 25 Censored Stories

by Peter Phillips and Project Censored
Introduction by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Cartoons by Tom Tomorrow
Seven Stories Press; ISBN 1-58322-034-8

Censored 2000 features a selection of the many major newstories which were censored by the mainstream “news" media in 1999. A few examples:

  • Multinational Corporations Profit from International Brutality
  • American Sweatshops Sew U.S. Military Uniforms
  • Turkey Destroys Kurdish Villages with U.S. Weapons
  • NATO Defends Private Economic Interests in the Balkans
  • The U.S. and NATO Deliberately Started the War with Yugoslavia
  • Evidence indicates no pre-war genocide in Kosovo and possible U.S./KLA plot to create disinformation
  • U.S. media ignores humanitarian aspects of famine in Korea
  • IMF and World Bank contributed to economic tensions in the Balkans
  • US and Germany trained and developed the KLA

More about Censored 2000 and Project Censored...

War, Lies and Videotape:
How media monopoly stifles truth

Edited by Lenora Foerstel
International Action Center, 2000

What passes for “news” today has been predigested by a handful of media megacorporations.

In this book, hard-hitting media critics, journalists, and activists examine the newly-emerging global media systems.

More about War, Lies and Videotape...

Bloody Hell:
The Price Soldiers Pay

by Dan Hallock
The Plough Publishing House, 1999; ISBN 0-87486-969-2

Bloody Hell provides a platform for veterans to speak for themselves. Page after page of searing testimony to the brutal, bloody, unmerciful, dehumanising, haunting, destructive, grim black void of war. The pain. The lies. The reality. The aftermath.”

More about Bloody Hell: The Price Soldiers Pay...

Lies My Teacher Told Me:
Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong

by James W. Loewen
Simon & Shuster, A Touchstone Book, 1995; ISBN 0-684-81886-8

Startling truths about the myths and misinformation of American history. Lies My Teacher Told Me is another modern classic.

“Every teacher, every student of history, every citizen should read this book. It is both a refreshing antidote to what has passed for history in our ‘educational’ system and a one-volume education in itself.”

— Howard Zinn
author of A People’s History of the United States

More about Lies My Teacher Told Me and Professor James Loewen...

Also by James Loewen — Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong

The Hidden Persuaders:
What makes us buy, believe – and even vote – the way we do?

by Vance Packard
David McKay Co, 1957; Random House, 1957; Pocket Books of Canada, LTD., 1957, Montreal; ASIN 0-679-50030-8

An important book from way back in the ’50s when the Almighty Television was just beginning to homogenize the mind of American society. Vance Packard was a well-known author and his book was one of the earlier works to warn Americans about the grim reality of Mass Mind Control.

But did they listen? No, they were too busy watching TV.

Review from The New Yorker in 1957:

“A brisk, authoritative, funny and frightening report on how manufacturers, fundraisers and politicians are attempting to turn the American mind into a kind of catatonic dough that will buy, give or vote at their command.”

Report from the 21st century:

Well golly gee wiz, Mousketeers, guess what? They succeeded!

Can - you - say - b - r - a - i - n - w - a - s - h - e - d ?
I knew you could!

More about The Hidden Persuaders...

Market Elections:
How Democracy Serves the Rich

by Vince Copeland
World View Forum; ISBN 0-89567-134-4

The United States of America is in fact a corporate plutocracy masquerading as a “democracy”. The democratic facade has always been maintained for the purpose of placating the masses of unthinking taxpayers.

The plutocracy which has run this country from the beginning wants to keep those billions of your hard-earned tax dollars flowing into their war machine so they can continue to get rich from exploiting, bullying and terrorizing people all over the world. American state terrorism is good for American business.

More about Market Elections...

Saving Private Power:
The Hidden History of “The Good War”
by Michael Zezima
Soft Skull Press; ISBN 1-887128-45-x

There simply is no such thing as a “good war”. There never has been and there never will be. Patriotic propaganda notwithstanding, the ruling classes of every nation have always had purely self-serving reasons for leading the brainwashed masses by the nose to their bloody deaths in war. Those reasons are always about one thing: protecting the private wealth and the private power of the ruling classes.

Why were so many prominent Americans like Henry Ford, Prescott Bush, Charles Lindbergh and the corporate heads of IBM enamored of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis? The American plutocracy knew Hitler was a staunch defender of capitalism who mass-murdered German socialists long before he set his sights on the Jews and the rest of Europe.

Want to see the true face of capitalism? You need look no further than Adolf Hitler, Ariel Sharon, Mussolini, Tojo, Franco, etc.

More about Saving Private Power...

The American Presidency
by Gore Vidal
Odonian Press, ISBN 1-878825-15-1

Another gem of political candor, written in Gore Vidal’s eloquent style. American Presidents have never been highly principled statesmen as they’ve been portrayed in textbooks of the U.S. government brainwashing centers (a.k.a. “public schools”).

Very few American Presidents have even been genuine leaders, much less “statesmen”. Leadership abilities or not, however, the most important job of all U.S. Presidents is merely that of a press secretary and trade representative for the only real government America has ever had: the genocidal United States Corporate Mafia Government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

More about The American Presidency and Gore Vidal...

A People’s History of the United States:
1492 – Present

by Howard Zinn
HarperPerennial, 1980, 1995 (Revised and Updated Edition); ISBN 0-06-092643-0

“Those accustomed to the texts of an earlier generation, in which the rise of American democracy an the growth of national power were the embodiment of Progress, may be startled by Professor Zinn’s narrative.

“From the opening pages, an account of the ‘the European invasion of the Indian settlements in the Americas,’ there is a reversal of perspective, a reshuffling of heroes and villains. The book bears the same relation to traditional texts as a photographic negative does to a print: the areas of darkness and light have been reversed...”

— Eric Foner
New York Times Book Review

More about A People’s History and Howard Zinn...

The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb
by Gar Alperovitz
Random House, 1995; ISBN 0-679-76285-x

This is the most authoritative book on the subject, written by the Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland.

More about The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and Gar Alperovitz...

See also:
American Atomic-Holocaust of the people of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, August, 1945

Complete alphabetical listings of reviewed books

books  by Author

books  by Subject

books  by Title

Related bibliographies

books  American Sanctions Against the Iraqi People

books  Cuban Liberation: Fidel Castro, Che Guevara & Jose Marti

books  Depleted Uranium: Metal of Dishonor

books  Enslavement and Oppression of the African-American Peoples

books  Genocide and Oppression of the American Indian Peoples

books  Mumia Abu-Jamal

books  Racist Zionism: Israeli Apartheid

books  The Vatican, the Nazis and Pope Pius XII

books  Today’s Fascist America

books  White Slavery in America

Publishers & Booksellers
For People With A Human Conscience

Common Courage Press
“Books For An Informed Democracy”
P.O. Box 702
Monroe, Maine  04951

South End Press
“Books to Help You Understand and Change Your World”
7 Brookline Street #1
Cambridge, MA  02139-4146

Odonian Press
Box 32375
Tucson, AZ  85751

Verso Books
“Books With a Critical Edge”
6 Meard Street
London  W1V 3HR

180 Varick Street
New York City  10014-4606

Seven Stories Press
140 Watts Street
New York, NY  10013

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New York City

Pluto Press
“Independent Progressive Publishing”
345 Archway Road
London  N6 5AA

Revolution by the book
AK Press
674-A 23rd Street
Oakland, CA  94612

City Lights Books
“A Literary Meetingplace since 1953”
261 Columbus Avenue
San Francisco, CA  94133

New Society Publishers
The Activist Book Publishers
“Books To Build A New Society”
P.O. Box 976
N. Kingstown, Rhode Island  02852

Box 189
Gabriola Is., BC  VOR 1XO

Black Rose Books
C.P. 1258
Succ. Place du Parc
Montréal, QC  H2W 2R3

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Oak Park, MI  48237

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Bankstown, NSW  1885

“We are a specialty publisher dedicated to producing high-quality editions of socialist books and pamphlets in the English language. Our titles cover a wide range of subjects, from history and philosophy to culture and contemporary politics.

“One of the greatest lies maintained in the course of this century was the false identification between Stalinism and socialism. For decades the Stalinist bureaucracy of the Soviet Union suppressed the heritage of classical Marxism, while western historians and bourgeois ideologues used the crimes committed by the bureaucracy to discredit a socialist perspective.

“Mehring Books sets out to clarify the historical record. We are proudly associated with the writings of Leon Trotsky and other great anti-Stalinist socialists and are making many of their books available in English for the first time. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, these works acquire an immense contemporary significance.

“Our publishing house contributes to the intellectual and cultural environment by providing a body of literature which helps one intelligently comprehend complex economic, political, and social problems that confront mankind today.”
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September 26, 2001

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